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Interact with our team! Find promotions, trials and offers. Hear about the success of AKA clients. AKA Enterprise Solutions is a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner dedicated to the implementation, training and support of Microsoft Dynamics.
Vi driver transformation, adoption og performance for ambitiøse organisationer. ProActive er den strategiske partner, som tager et totalansvar for at skabe afgørende forretningsmæssige fordele med Microsoft teknologi. Power BI - gør data til værdifuld information. ProActive, Rosenørns Allé 1, 1970 Frederiksberg. Søstrene Grene sætter turbo på butiksåbninger med Project Online. Microsoft Cognitive Services gør kunstig intelligens tilgængelig for alle. 197;rets Microsoft Partner 2017.
Barber, Salon, Spa, Skin Care and Pedicure Packages. Dryers, Dryer Chairs, and Parts. Facial and Skin Care Equipment. Hair Processors, Dryers, and Steamers. Hair Styling Tools, Holders, and Accessories. Manicure Tables, Stools, etc. Pedicure Spas, Carts, Stools. Roller Carts and Color Trays. Salon Design - Space Planning.
Unser Landhaus bietet Ihnen eine typisch regionale Küche nach Holsteiner und Mecklenburger Art. Angefangen von deftigen Bratkartoffelgerichten bis hin zu Fleisch und Fischgerichten.
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